The Marauders are 3-0 and rolling , we started a bit slow against a handful of ballers from Kingston. l remember the days when we had only 20 guys and did the same thing. The game was blown wide open in the second quarter when we started to roll ...the contest featured two amazing kick returns from our amazing rookie 'Jam85'...with the score 27-0 at half time we cycled in everyone that made the trip...( well l hope we did..we tried people). all 3 quarterbacks played and got some time in. we were very lucky to be able to do that..not very often do you get good reps against a good group like the Kingston team.
the game was a hard hitting affair and they had an injury to their best player Chad murray...l hope he is back next week he is a talented kid. The tailback(number 25) was a beast all day..that kid has tons of heart. the field was muddy and it was a perfect day for football. l would like to say thanks for the pizza( best Pizza in Kingston..TONY'S ) and our new Kingston ball boy..the mighty Dom.
l see tons of progress in our team.....but we need to work on the little things if we want to attain our goal of a national championship.
we pulled out our black uniforms for the game and although we have never worn a full black uniform l think it won't be the last time we roll with the black and Cardinal color scheme.
l got back some equipment that was owed to me ...thanks. your heart felt apology was well received and the way you took that helmet to the face showed us that even though you don't play for us can still entertain us.
next week we get the should be fun.
Coach Ken